Indian Summer

Fall is late this year.

Mud (3)

Need more mud ?

If we would have known this before ...

Mud (2)

Cleansing works in progress.


The pond, almost empty now.
More than half a meter of mud remaining.

The view inside out

Soon(er or later)

Yet another one

The lake house in The Lake House (Warner Bros movie - 2006).
Inspiring yet different.

The gate

and the old cabin.


Even the old BBQ temporarily got a new function.

Winter colors

Not everything is grey, or white ...


Lichen, no mushrooms for sure. Thanks for pointing out, Stef.

Expecting a call this week.
In the mean time, just want to show something new now and then.

Weather change

It stopped freezing.
Started raining though.


Can't remember we ever had such a long winter.
Or am I just growing impatient ?

Aerial view

Running out of real pictures.
Here's an aerial view of what it will look like.
Just the model and nothing but the model.

Including some dirty fingerprints on the water surface.

Still freezing

Nothing much will move as long as it's still freezing.
Moreover, we're waiting for our architect to finish the detailed plans.
Then the foundations work can start.

For Rent

This one's for rent.
Nice view. Located lake front.
The perfect place to enjoy the sunrise or watch the stars.

Yet another view

As seen from the back.
I guess proportions are a bit better on this one.

The old cabin still to the right.

The project

This is it.
Well, eum, I guess the trees are somewhat out of proportion.
Or is it the construction ?
I'll have to try another one some day.
Anyway, you get the idea.

The marker

The right front corner will be about here.
Or more probably, half a meter more to the right.

Ice fishing ?

One koi and 2 carps left.
Not sure where the fish will go while the pond is being emptied and cleaned.

Winter blues

Saturday was one of those rare days with a really deep blue winter sky

The last tree

At least in the front.

Clearing the area

A fair number of trees had to be cut to "let the sun shine in"

The old cabin

Trees, the pond - frozen for now - and the old cabin in the background.

Creating a small instance of modern residential architecture

This is our story about building a vacation house - not the traditional wooden 'swiss chalet'-like weekend cabin - but a modern almost all glass and steel construction, conceived as a bridge over a pond and located walking distance from the Goor-Asbroek nature reserve in a village called Westmeerbeek, hence Westlakebridge.